
House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Health holds hearing on Hospital Payment

By David Lee posted 05-20-2014 12:40 PM

The House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Health held a hearing this morning on hospital payments including a discussion on the two-midnight rule, RAC audits, the 96-hour condition of payment rule, and the supervision requirements for outpatient therapy services. While the hearing was not specifically called to address the 96-hour rule or physician supervision, many members of the panel expressed concern to CMS about these payment policies and the complications that various hospitals are experiencing.  Some Representatives included specific stories from rural hospitals in their districts that have contacted them about these challenges.

NRHA is thankful to the Subcommittee for its focus on these issues and to the individual Representatives that raised these important issues.  NRHA commends the various rural hospitals who have reached out to their elected officials and shared their compelling stories with them.  We encourage all rural hospitals to invite their Congressional Delegation to visit their facilities and share their concerns with these elected officials.  If you have any questions on how to contact your elected representatives, please contact the NRHA Government Affairs Staff at (202) 639-0550.
